Don’t Worry God, I Got This… until I didn’t
Conversations in the dark.
It would be all so easy if we never got that call, heard those words that send you freefalling over the edge, stealing the breath from your lungs, and filling your mouth with a silent scream.
But when that call comes, how do you take that next breath? What do you do when your heart stops beating?
Surviving a heart-wrenching journey that seems to have no end, who writes the survival manual for that best seller?
Catherine Ramshaw takes you on her journey, fighting to help two of her children to survive, one through near-death illnesses and an adopted child whose first three years inflicted a wound that will not heal. She shares the conversations she had with God, the scripture, and the difficult lessons she learned as she clung to His hand in the darkness. Her vulnerable and transparent account of the wrestling matches she had with God will inspire you to deepen your own conversations with the Almighty and learn to walk in faith, even in the darkness.
“What I tell you in the dark, speak in the light. What is whispered in your ear, proclaim from the rooftops.” Matthew 10:27